4.2. Use RPM command to uninstall.

The command to uninstall software is:
         [root@deep] /#rpm -e <softwarename(s)>
Where <softwarename> is the name of the software you want to uninstall e.g. (foo).

Since Programs like apmd, kudzu, and sendmail are daemons that run as process. It is better to stop those processes before uninstalling them from the system.To stop those processes, use the following commands:
         [root@deep] /# /etc/rc.d/init.d/apmd stop
         [root@deep] /# /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail stop
         [root@deep] /# /etc/rc.d/init.d/kudzu stop

  1. Version 6.1 only Now you can uninstall them safely, and all other packages, as shown below: Remove the specified packages for Red Hat Linux version 6.1 (Cartman).
                 [root@deep] /# rpm -e --nodeps pump mt-st eject mailcap apmd kernel-pcmcia-cs linuxconf getty_ps 
                 setconsole isapnptools setserial kudzu raidtools gnupg redhat-logos redhat-release gd pciutils rmt
    Version 6.2. only Remove the specified packages for Red Hat Linux version 6.2 (Zoot).
                 [root@deep] /# rpm -e --nodeps pump mt-st eject mailcap apmd kernel-pcmcia-cs linuxconf getty_ps 
                 isapnptools setserial kudzu raidtools gnupg redhat-logos redhat-release gd pciutils rmt

  2. Version All Remove the linux.conf-installed file manually.
             [root@deep] /# rm -f /etc/conf.linuxconf-installed

Note: This is a configuration file related to linuxconf software that must be removed manually.

The program hdparm is needed by IDE hard disk but not SCSI hard disks. If you have an IDE disk on your system you must keep this program (hdparm), but if you don't have an IDE hard disk you can remove it safely from your system. To remove hdparm from your system, use the following command:
         [root@deep] /# rpm -e hdparm

Use the programs kbdconfig, mouseconfig, timeconfig, authconfig, ntsysv, and setuptool in order to set your keyboard language and type, your mouse type, your default time zone, your NIS and shadow passwords, your numerous symbolic links in /etc/rc.d directory, and text mode menu utility which allow you to access all of these features. After those configurations have been set during the installation stage of your Linux server it's rare that you would need to change them again. So, you can uninstall them, and if in future you need to change your keyboard, mouse, default time, etc again via test mode menu, all you have to do is to install the program with the RPM from your original CD-ROM. To remove all the above programs from your system, use the following command:
         [root@deep] /# rpm -e kbdconfig mouseconfig timeconfig authconfig ntsysv setuptool

Even if you are not intending to install a mail server on your Linux system, the program Sendmail is always needed on your servers for potential messages sent to the root user by different software services installed on your machine.

Sendmail is a Mail Transport Agent -MTA program that sends mail from one machine to another. It can be configured in different manners; it can serve as an internal delivery mail system to a Mail Hub Server, or can be configured to be a Central Mail Hub Server for all Sendmail machines on your network. So depending on what you want to do with Sendmail, you must configure it to respond to your specific needs. For this reason you must uninstall Sendmail and see the relevant sections in this book that is related to Sendmail configuration and installation.

To remove Sendmail from your system, use the following command:
         [root@deep] /# rpm -e sendmail