30.15. Configure your php.ini from PHP4

Another setting you need to configure is in your PHP4 configuration file /etc/httpd/php.ini. This modification is required in order to define which features, such as IMAP, PostgreSQL and others, are to be loaded automatically by PHP4. Since we decided to use PostgreSQL as our database, and need to use IMAP features in our Webmail software, we must define them in the php.ini configuration file of PHP4.

Edit the php.ini file, vi /etc/httpd/php.ini, and add under the Dynamic Extensions section your desired choices. In our case, as you can see, we chose IMAP and PostgreSQL support:
          extension=imap.so		; Added for IMAP support
          extension=pgsql.so		; Added for PostgreSql support
          extension=mysql.so		; Added for MySql support
          extension=ldap.so		; Added for LDAP support

You must tell where to look when including files that don't have absolute paths as well, to automatically prepend the contents of phplib's prepend.php3 to each file, and turns off magic quotes. Edit the php.ini file, vi /etc/httpd/php.ini and add the following parameters to the related lines:
          magic_quotes_gpc        	=   Off
          auto_prepend_file       	=   "/home/httpd/php/prepend.php3"
          include_path 			=   "/home/httpd/horde:/home/httpd/php"

30.15.1. Configure Apache to recognize Webmail IMP

Once Webmail IMP has been installed in the system, we must add the following lines in the httpd.conf file of Apache to be able to locate and use its features.

Edit the httpd.conf file, vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the following lines between the section tags <IfModule mod_alias.c> and </IfModule>:
            Alias /horde/ "/home/httpd/horde/"
            <Directory "/home/httpd/horde">
            Options None
            AllowOverride None
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

            Alias /imp/ "/home/httpd/horde/imp/"
            <Directory "/home/httpd/horde/imp">
            Options None
            AllowOverride None
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

You must restart the Apache web server for the changes to take effect, use the following commands:
            [root@deep ] /# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart

            Shutting down http:                                        	[  OK  ]
            Starting httpd:                                            	[  OK  ]